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Forget to carry things every time you go out?

Do you fall in the category of people who forget to carry one thing or other every time they go out from the house?

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We got your back !!

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Here is a very simple idea of an application, which will save you from such crisis.

The idea is to remind you to carry important stuff when ever you are going out of your house.

we can send a notification to your phone to check out the list of important stuff which you should be carrying along with you.

But how do we know the right time to send such reminder/notification?

Your home wi-fi will tell us !!

at the time of first installation of the application we will ask you to choose your home wi-fi among all the wi-fi connections available.

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Once you choose one among the available connections, we know which one is your home wi-fi connection. now whats next?

well we need to know what all items you generally carry. so that we can remind you to carry those important items.

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Now that we have your items and home wifi information, you are all set. just click the "done" button.

Now the application will keep looking for your home wi-fi singnal.

Let's say you are going out we will starting to loose the wi-fi signal we will send a push notification to your phone.

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The phone will vibrate and notify the user via vibration to check the phone.

we will show a notification which will be visible at the top of the screen, when user click on it he/she will see the list of items to make sure the user is carrying them.

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Now the user can check the list and make sure he is carrying all the items of need, once done user can click on i am good and close the app.

This is a very simple design idea to solve the problem of forgetting things.

This model can be tested with any number of people who have some home wi-fi connection and want not to forget things to carry.

we can have a simple feedback mechanism embedded in the app to ask user if he/she is satisfy with the application. or we can physically ask for user's feedback to evaluate success or failure of this model.